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<p pageid="162" ns="0" title="Bakhtin, Mikhail "Toward a Methodology for the Human Sciences"" />
<p pageid="326" ns="0" title="Ball, Cheryl et al., "Integrating Multimodality in Composition Curricula: Survey Methodology and Results from a CCCC Research Grant"" />
<p pageid="327" ns="0" title="Ball, Cheryl et al. Integrating multimodality in composition curricula: Survey methodology and results from a CCCC Research Initiative grant." />
<p pageid="163" ns="0" title="Baron, Dennis "From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy Technology"" />
<p pageid="164" ns="0" title="Barthes, Roland "Death of the Author"" />
<p pageid="364" ns="0" title="Bartholomae, David "Inventing the University"" />
<p pageid="119" ns="0" title="Bill Hart-Davidson" />
<p pageid="87" ns="0" title="Biographies" />
<p pageid="317" ns="0" title="Bitzer, Lloyd "The Rhetorical Situation"" />
<p pageid="291" ns="0" title="Bizzell, Patricia" />
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