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== Richards ==
*New Criticism: Richards' ideas helped establish this movement, which viewed texts as completely autonomous
*Close Reading: Richards shifted the focus from general analysis to a meticulous, word-level method of interpretation, which has greatly influenced modern criticism.
*Ambiguity: Richards showed how under-examined ambiguities can lead to misinterpretation of an entire work
*Intentional Fallacy: William K. Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley asserted that the author's words, not his intent, should be studied.  Richards argued that since an authors mind can never be known, we can only examine her words
*Death of the Author: Roland Barthe's essay argues that the author must be disentangled from the text
Affective Fallacy: Wimsatt and Berdsley claimed that evaluating literature by the way it affects the reader is uselessly subjective.  Again, literature should be evaluated through its use of language, not outside factors

Revision as of 03:58, 8 February 2011

This page is dedicated to key terms from the readings.


Lunsford and Ede

Persuasive Appeals





Affective Fallacy: Wimsatt and Berdsley claimed that evaluating literature by the way it affects the reader is uselessly subjective. Again, literature should be evaluated through its use of language, not outside factors

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