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List of Contributions:
List of Contributions:
Robert L. Scott (Article Summary)
*Substantially expanded summary of article and main ideas, mainly second paragraph
*Some copy editing for style, grammar, and wording in first paragraph of summary which was preexisting
*Created internal links for other authors: Ehninger, Toulmin, and Vatz (made connection to outside reading)
*Added "See Also" and "Further Reading" sections and links
*Linked to Berlin, but Berlin did not have a link under the Authors section, only a page with no link to it, so I added Berlin to Authors page
Theories and Movements Page
*Fixed heading format on Semiotics, Rogerian Rhetoric, and Post-Structuralism sections.  Before they were actually links and it was not consistent with the rest of the design/format. 
*Added "Cognitive Rhetoric" to movement and added external link
*General Housekeeping: fixed formatting errors, broken links, added internal links, corrected spelling mistakes
*Created Sophism section under movements.  I felt this was an important connector for classical and modern rhetoric.  I linked several other pages to this section
*Deleted sections that had no information under them to improve page design and coherence
*Added/fixed external links to Wikipedia pages (Rogerian rhetoric, post-structuralism, semiotics)
Lory Hawkes (Author and Article Page)
*Created an Author page for Lory Hawkes
*Created Article summary
*Added relevant links
Weaver (Author Page)
*Added/Filled in Books and Articles section
*Linked to external PDF file of Weaver article
*Added external link to "A Rhetorician's Treasury of Richard M. Weaver"
Weaver (Article Summary)
*Added internal link
*Added See Also and linked to Theories Page and external Wikipedia Page
Berlin Page
*Created link under Authors section
*Added Kairos as term, and added links
*Added links to terms (enthymeme, episteme)
*Added Rhetorical Situation as term and links to authors and pages
Ede, Lisa S. and Andrea A. Lunsford "On Distinctions between Classical and Modern Rhetoric"
*Fixed and added internal links
*Added to See Also section
General Housekeeping
*Moved "Susan Delagrange" which was in the B section to the D section
*Fixed broken links and typos as I came across them
*Added internal links between authors, articles, glossary, and movements

Revision as of 01:05, 17 April 2012

Susie is an English Writing and Rhetoric major at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. She worked on this Wiki during her Current Theories of Rhetoric and Composition Class with Dr. Quinn Warnick.

List of Contributions:

Robert L. Scott (Article Summary)

Theories and Movements Page

Lory Hawkes (Author and Article Page)

Weaver (Author Page)

Weaver (Article Summary)

Berlin Page


Ede, Lisa S. and Andrea A. Lunsford "On Distinctions between Classical and Modern Rhetoric"

General Housekeeping

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