User:Callie Chiang

From RhetorClick

Revision as of 00:06, 14 April 2012 by Callie Chiang (Talk | contribs)
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Creative Writnig student at St. Edward's University.


In the Spring of 2012, I wrote the Chaim Perelman page, which includes the small intro blurb, the Biography, the New Rhetoric, Additional Works, Further Readings, and Reference sections. There is not very much information out there about Perelman's early life, so much of the information is limited to his Jewish faith and education. I tried my best to give a brief overview of The New Rhetoric and his concept of the universal audience since there is already a page dedicated to a summary. I hope the new author page gives rhetoric students an inside look into Perelman's motivations behind The New Rhetoric and helps clear up some confusion concerning it as a whole.

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