Definitions of Rhetoric

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This page will have definitions of rhetoric according to authors from our past and current theories courses. Authors are listed alphabetically by last name.

Bizzell, Patricia

[[Bryant, Donald C.]]

Burke, Kenneth

Ehninger, Douglas

Fogarty, Daniel

Frye, Northrop

Halloran, Michael S.

Nichols, Marie Hochmuth

Perelman, Chaim

Richards, I.A.

Weaver, Richard


1. Breuch, Lee-Ann M. Kastman. "Post-Process 'Pedagogy'." Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Ed. Victor Villanueva. Urbana, Ill: National Council of Teachers of English, 2003. 116. Print.

2. Bryant, Donald C. "Rhetoric: Its Functions and Its Scope." Professing the New Rhetorics: A Sourcebook. Ed. Theresa Enos and Stuart C. Brown. Boston, MA: Blair Press, 1994. 271, 282. Print.

3. Ehninger, Douglas. "On Systems of Rhetoric." Professing the New Rhetorics: A Sourcebook. Ed. Theresa Enos and Stuart C. Brown. Boston, MA: Blair Press, 1994. 319. Print.

4. Fogarty, Daniel John. Roots for a New Rhetoric. New York: Bureau of Publication; Teacher's College, Columbia University, 1959. Print.

5. Frye, Northrop. The Well-Tempered Critic. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1963. Print.

6. Halloran, S. Michael. "On the End of Rhetoric, Classical and Modern." Professing the New Rhetorics: A Sourcebook. Eds. Theresa Enos and Stuart C. Brown. Boston, MA: Blair Press, 1994. 333. Print.

7. Nichols, Marie Hochmuth. Rhetoric and Criticism. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1963. Print.

8. Perelman, Chaim. "The New Rhetoric: A Theory of Practical Reasoning." Professing the New Rhetorics: A Sourcebook. Ed. Theresa Enos and Stuart C. Brown. Boston, MA: Blair Press, 1994. 146, 153, 158. Print.

9. Perelman, Chaim. "Rhetoric and Philosophy." Landmark Essays on Rhetorical Invention in Writing. Eds. Richard E. Young and Yameng Liu. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press, 1994. 51. Print.

10. Richards, I.A. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936. Print.

11.) Weaver, Richard M. The Ethics of Rhetoric. Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1953. Print.

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