McIntire-Strasburg, Janice "Multimedia Research"

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In her article, Janice McIntire-Strasburg discusses the differences in researching print and multimedia. One of the main issues that she discusses is how to define intellectual property on the web. She asks, what is “original” content on the web? And when is it necessary to get permission - and from whom? She states, “Copy-and-paste, text- and image-editing, and other software capabilities have significantly altered traditional writing and citation methods, and researchers have yet to take such methods fully into account when dealing with Web projects and publications” (294). In her conclusion, McIntire-Strasburg notes that some Web authors make their copyright permissions or Creative Commons license visible on their site to clarify this for viewers. Finally she leaves her readers with much to think about in the reworking of traditional research methods, “Multimedia publishing requires a significant rethinking of issues of privacy, intellectual property, fair use, and citation practices in an often deceptively open environment. The original check and balances scholars have used to protect research participants’ privacy and the ethical integrity of their own research are no longer sufficient” (299-300).

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