User:Meg Seeger

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Revision as of 22:58, 16 April 2012 by Meg Seeger (Talk | contribs)
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I am a English Writing and Rhetoric student at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. I have a variety of interests from technical writing to magazine writing, and I enjoy writing for the St. Edward's University student newspaper. I also plan to continue studying Rhetoric and Composition after I graduate in May.

The following are my contributions to the wiki over the semester.

Barthes, Roland “The Death of the Author”
I added quotes from article and elaborated on the existent summary.
This was a minor contribution and my main goal was to include more direct quotes from the article.

Lunsford, Andrea and Lisa Ede “On Distinctions Between Classical and Modern Rhetoric”
I added content to the page
This contribution was important because there was no content for this article. This was an article we read closer to the beginning of the semester, so I thought it was important to add content.

Weaver, Richard “The Role of Cultural Rhetoric”
I added and edited content to the page
This was also a minor contribution and my goal was to add more direct quotes from the article.

Moeller, Ryan and David Christensen “System Mapping: A Genre Field Analysis of the National Science Foundation’s Grant Proposal and Funding Process”
I created a new page, added content, had to create another new page with edits, and re-paste that content in the new page.
This was a bigger contribution. As part of my proposal I wanted to bring in different theories than the ones we studied in class. This piece is about grant writing and theory behind writing a successful grant. Although this isn’t a article we studied in class, I thought it was important to include an article that talked about something other than rhetoric, dialectic, or digital research.

I added new terms that went along with “System Mapping” article - Agent, play theory, genre theory, genre agents, etc.
This was another major contribution. I added a variety of terms that went along with the Ryan Moeller and David Christensen article.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake “Composition in a New Key: Made Not Only in Words”
I created the page and added a small summary.
There was already one Yancey article on the wiki, but I read this article in my previous theories class and thought it should be included.

Perelman, Chaim
I edited page and divided the information.

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