Hawkes, Lory "Impact of Invasive Web Technologies on Digital Research"

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In this article, Lory Hawkes discusses ideas and methods for protecting the digital researcher. In this essay, Hawkes first explores,

"the electronic potential for harm to digital writing researchers. New and malevolent intrusive technologies can allow digital exploiters to hijack, distort, and bug the electronic transmission of data passed through networks or broadcast through wireless communication devices...surveillance technologies jeopardize data-gathering processes and disrupt the mutual trust between research and subject of collegial exchange among colleagues."

Hawkes argues that these new invasive web technologies can be damaging and dangerous to the researcher. They pose a threat because they have the ability to "expose the researcher's identity, research subject information, and confidential findings to cyber exploiter."

Hawkes also focuses on the consequences of digital surveillance techniques implemented and practiced by the federal government, including the Patriot Act. She offers suggestions for digital researchers to ensure that they are protected from the invasive technologies, and "to protect their reputations in response to the dire political complications brought about by new federal initiatives."

See Also

Patriot Act Wikipedia

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_mining Data Mining Wikipedia]

Lory Hawkes

Kevin Eric DePew

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